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Content Structure Elements

I really didn't know what to call this section, because it includes a variety of tags. I just stuck in that name cause it sounded more official. ^^

  • Horizontal Rules: <HR>
  • Line Breaks: <BR>
  • HTML Extension: <NOBR>
  • HTML Extension: <WBR>
  • Dividing Content: <DIV>
  • Sectioning Content: <SPAN>
  • Signature/Contact Info: <ADDRESS>
  • Bi-Directional Override: <BDO>

  • The Horizontal Rule: <HR>

    This tag inserts a horizontal rule. It is illegal to put in a closing tag. Attributes

    Directly after the period of this sentence, I will put in the <HR> tag.


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    The <BR> Tag

    This tag forces a line break. (<BR> is the HTML equivalent of pressing 'Enter' or 'Return') Putting in a closing tag is illegal. Attributes

    I suppose that normally this would keep going but you see, I'm going to put in a line break right here:
    and another here:
    Here I am on another line!

    To see samples with images, check out the samples on the Images page.

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    The <DIV>

    This tag is used to divide sections of text. You must close this tag by typing </DIV>. <DIV> is most often used to control text alignment with the ALIGN attribute. Attributes

    Here is some text. It is aligned to the left, which is the default alignment for English.

    Here is some more text. It has been centered.
    Notice that <DIV> also divides the text (I have not put in any line breaks).
    This text has been aligned to the right.

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    The <SPAN> Tag

    This tag is new to HTML 4.0 and thus is only supported by newer browsers (such as Netscape Communicator 4 and MSIE 4). It sections and groups HTML content for organization, but is most often used just for applying Style Sheets. The <SPAN> tag does not cause a break in the text. You must insert the closing tag (</SPAN>). attributes

    section one section two

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    The <ADDRESS> Tag

    This tag is used to give contact information, copyright information, etc., and usually appears at the bottom of the HTML page. Most authors insert a horizontal rule before the <ADDRESS> tag, though it's not necessary. You must type </ADDRESS> at the end of the address content. attributes

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    The <BDO> Tag

    This tag is used to change text direction for multi-lingual documents (BDO stands for Bi-Directional Override). The DIR attribute is required. The reasons for its use are rather involved (and also beyond me), so if you want to learn how to use it, check out HTML 4.0-The BDO Element. Attributes

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    Fantasia (That's with three _'s. "_~)