Attributes for the Image Tag

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This attribute controls the vertical alignment of images.


The align attribute controls the horizontal alignment of the image. When aligned to the left or the right, many browsers wrap the following text between the image and the opposite margin. To stop the text from wrapping, use the <BR> tag with the CLEAR attribute.


This attribute inserts the specified text and/or escape codes in place of the image in text-only browsers. You may not use HTML tags within this element, but character escape codes are acceptable. Formatting applied to <IMG> also applies to the ALT text. Some browsers (such as Netscape) will use the ALT text in their image placeholders while the image isn't loaded.


This attribute tells the browser how wide to render the borders around image links. The width is given in pixels. A value of 0 indicates no border.


This attribute gives the browser the height of the image in pixels. When combined with the WIDTH attribute, it allows the browser to load the text before the images. I highly recommend using this attribute.
If you don't know the exact width and height of your image, try this: Open up your browser, and type in the URL of the image. (You can also bring up a pop-up menu with the mouse and choose to view the image.) Usually, the image's height and width is displayed in the title bar of the browser. PLEASE use this attribute. Viewing a graphical web page with no WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes is very annoying.


This attribute tells the browser to add so many pixels blank space to the right and left of the image. Useful if you want to space the image from the text, or to have the text to continue wrapping after the image has ended.


This attribute does not have a value; it is implied. It is for use with server side image maps.


This required attribute tells the browser where to get the image from. You must include the quotes.


This attribute is for use with client-side image maps. The value of USEMAP should correspond to the NAME attribute of the <MAP> tag. This will tell the browser to use the coordinates and URLs specified in the MAP element to create an image map with the image.


This attribute gives the browser the width of the image in pixels. When combined with the HEIGHT attribute, it allows the browser to load the text before the images. PLEASE use this attribute.
If you don't know the exact width and height of your image, try this: Open up your browser, and type in the URL of the image. (You can also bring up a pop-up menu with the mouse and choose to view the image.) Usually, the image's height and width is displayed in the title bar of the browser.

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Fantasia (That's with three _'s. "_~)