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<DL></DL> - Glossary Lists

A glossary list is a two-part list such as that used for words and their definitions. Each part is formatted differently. You must type <DT> before each list item. Once you have finished typing the first part (such as the term), you must type <DD> before beginning the second part (such as the definition).

This tag must be closed at the end of the list by typing </DL>.

Attributes for <DL>

  %coreattrs %i18n %events

Here is an example of a glossary list:

Harper's Ferry
A town in Virginia. John Brown raided the federal arsenal there to get guns to lead a slave uprising.
John Brown
A violent abolitionist. Lead a raid at the Harper's Ferry federal arsenal, was captured and hung for treason.
Colonel Robert E. Lee
A West Point graduate and US colonel. Captured John Brown after raid on Harper's Ferry.

Here is the code for the sample above:

<DT>Harper's Ferry <DD> A town in Virginia. John Brown raided the federal arsenal there to get guns to lead a slave uprising.
<DT>John Brown <DD> A violent abolitionist. Lead a raid at the Harper's Ferry federal arsenal, was captured and hung for treason.
<DT>Colonel Robert E. Lee <DD> A West Point graduate and US colonel. Captured John Brown after raid on Harper's Ferry.