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Lists in HTML

This section covers HTML list tags. The tags indicating a new list item are classified under their respective list tags.

  • Unordered Lists: <UL>
  • Ordered Lists: <OL>
  • Glossary Lists: <DL>
  • Menu Lists: <MENU>
  • Directory Lists: <DIR>

  • Unordered Lists: <UL>

    Unordered Lists are lists that do not have any form of numbering. The tag must be closed by typing </UL> at the end of the list. Before each list item, you must enter <LI>. Do not close this tag.Attributes
    An unordered list appears on your browser like this:

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    Ordered Lists: <OL>

    Ordered lists are numbered lists. You don't number them--the browser does. This tag must be closed at the end of the list by typing </OL>. You must enter <LI> before each list item.Attributes
    Here is an example of an ordered list numbered with capital letters:

    1. This is the first item.
    2. This is the second item
    3. This item's number has been changed.
    4. This is the fourth item.
    5. This item's numbering has been changed to lower-case Roman numerals.
    6. This is the fifth item.
    7. This is the sixth item.

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    Glossary Lists

    A glossary list is a two-part list such as that used for words and their definitions. Each part is formatted differently. You must type <DT> before each list item. Once you have finished typing the first part (such as the term), you must type <DD> before beginning the second part (such as the definition). attributes
    Here is an example of a glossary list:

    Harper's Ferry
    A town in Virginia. John Brown raided the federal arsenal there to get guns to lead a slave uprising.
    John Brown
    A violent abolitionist. Lead a raid at the Harper's Ferry federal arsenal, was captured and hanged for treason.
    Colonel Robert E. Lee
    A West Point graduate and US colonel. Captured John Brown after raid on Harper's Ferry.

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    Menu Lists: <MENU>

    Menu lists are a different type of list. The tag must be closed by typing </MENU> at the end of the list. The browser determines the type of formatting. A menu list is basically an unordered list without any rendering attributes. Each item must be preceded by the <LI> tag. attributes
    This is how your browser formats a menu list:

  • This is the first item.
  • This is the second item.
  • This is the third item.
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    Directory Lists: <DIR>

    This tag indicates a directory list. In many browsers, the directory list is formatted the same as the unordered list.The tag must be closed by typing </DIR>. You must type <LI> before every list item. attributes
    Here is an example of a directory list on your browser:

  • Item one
  • Item two
  • Item three
  • Item four
  • Item five
  • Item six
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    Fantasia (That's with three _'s. "_~)